We have so many important decisions to consider. The judgement calls that we make often have significant impacts on our future lives and can sometimes contain consequences hidden from view which diminish our inner sense of wellbeing with ourselves and with God.
Spiritual support, discernment and spiritual accompaniment is a way to walk the paths of decision making which brings in to play the deeper and profound aspects of our being and assures alignment with our values, Gods ways and our own personal needs.
The spiritual support, discernment and accompaniment I offer is based upon the pastoral spiral approach of see, judge/discern and act. This is about exploring what is happening in our lives, what we desire, where we are restless, where we wish to go and why and then discern how best accommodate such wants in our lives being sure not to damage ourselves along the way, and then discern how we move into the future with God.
We so want to maintain correct balance in our lives and ensure that we uphold right relationship with ourselves, with others and of course with God. True freedom lies always in doing what is right and so often we require to know the difference.